Symbolism, Sacred Art, Metaphysics

The Spiritual Ascent: A Compendium of the World’s Spiritual Wisdom

This compendium of spiritual wisdom is organized according to traditional religious concepts of ascent- in Christian terms, the sequence of death, resurrection, and eternal life. Hundreds of passages represent many faiths and philosophical traditions, with insight from the world’s greatest minds.

This book was previously titled: A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom

The Epub version enables you to search for any term, author or concept. For example one can type in Mercy, and in a moment have what has been said throughout the ages, by the greatest scholars, saints and sages. One could search for Plato and be given everything he said on the spiritual ascent.

  • 9781887752046
  • Book, ePDF, ePUB
  • 1144

Product Description

Truly magisterial, this compendium of spiritual wisdom is organized according to the traditional religious concept of spiritual ascent—or, in Christian terms, the sequence of death, resurrection, and eternal life.

Hundreds of selected passages represent many faiths and philosophical traditions, with insight from some of the world’s greatest minds, including Black Elk, Confucius, Eckart, Muhammad, Philo, Rumi, and Shakespeare. The material itself is divided into three sections that correspond to the ascent, with the opening quotations treating suffering, sin, and obedience before giving way to the middle section’s focus on mercy, love, and contemplation. Finally, the third set of quotations climbs aloft to investigate the subjects of truth, eternity, the shattering of forms, and the union with God.

Simply imagine that you are going through one of life’s many trials, such as the death of a loved one, or the loss of one’s own health or mobility. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have access to what the finest minds of the world’s great civilizations have had to say on that subject and the associated attitudes which could help ease or sustain one’s way?
Imagine reading what has been concluded and believed about how suffering is to be transmuted into joy, how to resist judging others and instead love our neighbors. This astounding encyclopedia of humankind’s spiritual truth is organized according to the traditional process of Spiritual Ascent—often referred to as: Death-Resurrection-Eternal Life, or Emptying-Reforming-Union.

Each of these topics is clarified by the contributions of those we hold highest. More like a library than a single book, this volume takes readers on a journey from the creation of the cosmos to our final reabsorption back into the Divine Source, a journey defined by the traditional stages of the soul’s transformation. Guiding the way are such focused counsels as are found in Eckhart, Philo, Rumi, the Talmud, Shakespeare, Rama Krishna, Black Elk, the Psalms, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad-Gita, Muhammad, Confucius, and countless others.

A truly majesterial compendium of spiritual doctrine . . . where one will encounter the heritage shared with all humanity in what is essentially timeless, enduring and pertinent to our final end.


“Anyone who is interested, not just in reading maps, but in going somewhere with his or her life, will find this the most comprehensive guide that has ever been compiled. The Spiritual Ascent is foundational to the school of thought that affirms and explores the primordial tradition at the heart of all the great religions and philosophical traditions. Perry’s is the essential reference work, and it affords rich and vital reading.”
– HUSTON SMITH, author of The World’s Religions
“The Spiritual Ascent contains all I need to know about wisdom and spirituality. Every aspect of the soul’s work is described and it shows you that it is the same for all people at all times, that all traditions agree and have been saying the same thing. The book is a constant and reassuring companion to me, and reminds me that wisdom is One and is REALLY real.”
-Mary Minifie (Boston portrait artist and professor of painting)
"When I first picked this book up I was suspicious due to all the Eastern content with which I am not familiar with, but then I began to slowly realize and recognize names that I have long been familiar with and also know that nobody in their right mind knows of these minds let alone be able to put their thoughts down in some manner. Names such as Boehme, Eckhart, Cloud of Unknowing, William Law, Unseen Warfare, I could go on and on about the mind set of these great works as they have been my lifeblood for the last 8 years. My search is not from a cold eye but through a destitute heart, starving for truth. I had no Idea that the Eastern mind-set was this close to what I hold so dear. To say that the horizon of my mind has been expanded is a gross understatement. I cannot believe there is a mind on the earth today that could compile such an assortment of material into a book. Who is this Perry? Good gracious what a mind he has. He may be blind on this earth but he can see far into the next reality. I have long given up hope that there was anybody in the last 300 years that could see any truth. This work has given me new hope that the Spirit of God can and does penetrate into every corner of the earth where the humble soul seeks Him. I am so encouraged I can hardly speak and consider this work my most prized possession. I found this book at the half-price book store, obviously discarded by someone as the seed thrown on rocky ground will not take root. God knows the searching heart and caused the non-seeker to cough it up that I might have and value as I do such a treasure. God bless you Perry, you have no Idea what you have done for me."
- Leonard Bissett