Forthcoming Publications
Fons Vitae continues to release new publications each year. This category shows you some of the recent titles we are working on.
Forthcoming Publications
Fons Vitae continues to release new publications each year. This category shows you some of the recent titles we are working on.
Showing all 9 results
Al-Ghazali: The Properties of Friendship and Brotherhood (Book 15 of The Revival of the Religious Sciences)
Forthcoming Ghazali Series Books – ‘The Fons Vitae Ghazali Translation Project’
A Life in Praise of God
In the Prophet’s Footstep
Mughals & Mystics A Sufi Princess: Jahan Ara Begam (1614-1681)
$0.00 -
Reading Rumi’s Life
Spiritual Alchemy Master
Stations of the Wayfarer
Waystations of Being – Theological Writings of Ibn Sab‘īn (ca. 1215-1271 CE) – not yet available