NEW TITLE: What makes this collection of Rumi inspired poems by Coleman Barks special and different from his previous volumes is its personal touch. This book offers a chance to read the poetry of Coleman Barks accompanied by personal reflections, as well as personal annotations of some of his latest Rumi poems. Included are his own reflections on a selection of these poems. His explanation of how the title was chosen and the gratitude he expresses to all who have inspired him is touching.
“Mountain to mountain cannot reach but heart to heart can. Coleman Barks with his new book, ‘An Exalted Sky, Exulting’ reaches to the hearts of those who believe that God is love and love is God. Coleman fills the souls of millions of people with the fragrances of the dawn-scented flowers of Rumi’s poetry. Coleman whispers to our hearts with a Divine message that through love we live forever. Without it, we die every minute.” – Masood Khalili, Warrior and Poet of Afghanistan
More BOOK details: An Exalted Sky, Exulting – Coleman Barks