The Merton Annual Volume 20 – Contemplative Prayer and the Spiritual Life
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“All the articles included in the section of commissioned essays about prayer stress the fact of humankind’s longing for union with God. Some of the scholars who have been asked to address this issue deal with aspects of this quest by using Merton’s life, meditations, poetry, and friendships to examine the fundamental reality of the continuing need for prayer of all persons–something which, especially in this complex “scientific age” of which we are part, can so easily be forgotten or, if not forgotten, can be processed into abstractions. … The three interviews included in this volume also may assist us to triangulate on the importance of Merton’s insights into the nature of living prayerfully.” From the Introduction by Victor A. Kramer.
The Merton Annual publishes articles about Thomas Merton and about related matters of major concern to his life and work. Its purpose is to enhance Merton’s reputation as a writer and monk, to continue to develop his message for our times, and to provide a regular outlet for substantial Merton-related scholarship. The Merton Annual includes as regular features, reviews, review-essays, a bibliographic survey, interviews, and first appearances of unpublished or obscurely published Merton materials, photographs and art. Essays about related literary and spiritual matters are also considered.
Scroll down to view the contents featured in this volume.
- 2007
- 9781891785141
- 419