
CHECKLIST FOR COMPASSION – Compassionate Louisville (2013)


Louisville 2013 [Compassionate Louisville]

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The Checklist for Compassion is a collection of art and essays on compassion by public school students in Louisville, Kentucky. Included in the booklet are photos of students play-acting vices (e.g. exclusion and bullying) and then correcting those behaviors. The publication includes over a hundred organizations expressing ways to volunteer compassionately.

What does the Checklist for Compassion Aim to do?

The Dalai Lama has stated that for a community, to thoroughly embrace compassion, a long-range and practical plan must be adopted.

Long-range—that’s our school children! And practical, well, that’s what this Checklist for Compassion offers in its own small way, joining our mayor’s Give-A-Day and many other magnificent and long-range programs.

This Checklist intends to:

  • Demonstrate how our entire school system is not only consciously practicing compassion but leading the way by their inspiring volunteer service in the very categories that we think of as only for adults!


  • Bring joy to everyone’s hearts by seeing the scope and how much good the MANY non-profits are contributing to our region.


  • Offer each one of you an easy way to sign-up for enjoyable and suitable service—to volunteer compassionately.


  • And further long-range: Compassionate Louisville offers our efforts as a template to all our world’s cities and towns as a way that we may work as one team, raising compassionate future generations and citizens, who are aware of their own community’s needs and address these joyfully.


Product Description

I. Contributions & Insights from OUR School Children. What our youth feel are the most urgent issues to address in both home and work place as regards compassion with comments and artwork included . . . .. 6

II. See what kind of volunteer work our children do . . .34

III. How YOU can be aware of and address the concrete needs of our community. Check at least one box and commit

   1. Being Responsible for OUR Natural Surroundings Cherishing the Environment.. 44

   2. Helping Out in the World of Art . . . .  48

   3. Caring for OUR Animals . . . . . 50

   4. Being Responsible for OUR Community

         a) Helping out with Languages, Translating .  . . . 51

         b) Welcoming Our Refugees, Homeless and Ones in NEED through the work of Faith and Other Groups.. 52

         c) Cherishing OUR elderly . . . . . .  53

         d) Giving OUR children a hand . . . . . . 55

         e) Addressing Hunger and Serving Food . . . . . . 60

         f) Taking responsibility for those of US facing Difficulty or with Disabilities . . . . .62

   5. Offering our Skills to OUR community

         a) Could you help in the Medical Field? . . . . . .. 64

         b) Are you good in Construction, or Repairs? Do you have Experience with Painting, Electricity, etc? ..65

         c) Wonderful Service Internships are available . . . . . .67

         d) Offering business skills to OUR community. Such as: tax help, financial guidance, PR, marketing, web design . . . .  68

   6. Join The World of Education . . . . 69

IV. A list of our wonderful organizations that serve our community and NEED us to pitch in!

Contact persons included . . . . . .  . 74