W. Eugene March, Arnold Black Rhodes Professor of Old Testament and Professor of Bible Studies, Austin College, B.A.; Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, B.D.; Union Theological Seminary, New York, Ph.D. Eugene March began teaching Old Testament at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1964. He joined the Louisville Seminary faculty in 1982. During his tenure at the Seminary, he has served as Director of Continuing Education, Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, Assistant to the President, and Dean of the Seminary. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Dr. March teaches Introduction to Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew and specializes in the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. Further interests include biblical theology, the Wisdom tradition, and apocalyptic literature found in the Old and New Testaments. “The Old Testament is a rich document that has many types of material within it. It provides room for exploration and many opportunities to make a connection with life. I hope that my students see in me an example of one who is committed to biblical study and yet very much in touch with the contemporary world.” Very active in interfaith groups, particularly in Jewish-Christian dialogues, Dr. March helped to shepherd through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly a statement that better defines the relationship between Christians and Jews. It was completed in 1987 and received international recognition. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the American Academy of Religion, and the American Schools of Oriental Research. Dr. March is widely-known for his adult Bible lessons in The Presbyterian Outlook. He is the author of Israel and the Politics of Land (1994), the commentary on Haggai in the New Interpreter’s Bible (1996), and the revision of A.B. Rhodes’ The Mighty Acts of God (2000), and co-author of The Power of Ideas (2000), an historical account of the establishment of the Louisville Grawemeyer Awards.