Thomas Merton Series

The Merton Annual Volume 21 – Contemplation, Community, Culture


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“As you read through these works … consider the interrelationships between: “Contemplation, Community, Culture.” From the Introduction by David Belcastro.

The Merton Annual publishes articles about Thomas Merton and about related matters of major concern to his life and work. Its purpose is to enhance Merton’s reputation as a writer and monk, to continue to develop his message for our times, and to provide a regular outlet for substantial Merton-related scholarship. The Merton Annual includes as regular features, reviews, review-essays, a bibliographic survey, interviews, and first appearances of unpublished or obscurely published Merton materials, photographs and art.  Essays about related literary and spiritual matters are also considered.

Scroll down to view the contents featured in this volume.

  • 2008
  • 9781891785351
  • 300

Product Description

The Merton Annual Volume 21 – Contemplation, Community, Culture


From older and younger scholars, from seasoned Merton professionals and newly-minted Mertonians, this volume offers readers a spectrum of insights into Merton's enthusiasm for East and West dialogue, social justice, poetry, American writers, and religious experience.
Monica Weis SSJ, Professor of English, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY
I salute the new editors of The Merton Annual for their gift to us of a rich and nourishing feast of essays and reviews from the broad table of Merton scholarship. Once again, in one volume, we are able to see the many ways in which Merton continues to speak to us. They convince us once again that Merton remains our contemporary, if not our scout into the future of Christian Spirituality in our pluriform world.
Donald Grayston, President, International Thomas Merton Society
A note on the cover illustration: Thomas Merton, calligraphic brush drawing, untitled, ca. 1964. An abstract arrangement of forces, surely discovered and recorded in a few brief moments, this image asks for delicacy of interpretation. It is not anything other than itself. And yet, like the artist himself, it is seated firmly on earth and is open to heaven. Through such experimental image making, Merton found a new way to measure, know, and share without words.
Roger Lipsey, author of Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton